Water Baptism
We believe that water baptism should be full immersion and is an outward declaration of an inward decision to make Jesus Christ your Lord and Savior.
Baby Dedication
As Jesus was dedicated in the Temple when He was an infant. We allow the opportunity for parents to make a public declaration stating they will raise their children to love and serve the Lord and to abide by the principles set forth in the Bible.
Why become a member?
Liberation is our Biblically based deliverance ministry. If you sign up for Liberation you can expect to have a meeting with two of our trained Liberation Team members who will walk you through renouncing unclean spirits and closing doors that are open to the enemy. After Liberation you can expect to walk in a greater level of spiritual freedom and will start to see changes in your life such as freedom from anger, depression, anxiety, fear, sickness, wrong thinking, unforgiveness and doubt just to name a few.
Foundations is one of our Engage Groups that runs once per year for a period of twelve weeks. This course covers the foundational practices that we believe every Christian should be operating in their life. Things like prayer, reading your Bible, fasting and others are things that every believer will benefit from.
Activating Your Spiritual Gifts
Activating Your Spiritual Gifts is an Engage Group that focuses on activating every believer in their spiritual gifts. We believe that every believer has been given spiritual gifts from God and that we are suppose to be using them. This Engage Group helps you to identify your spiritual gifts and to help you learn to use them.
Holy Spirit Encounter Night
Holy Spirit Encounter Night is a time where we WELCOME, LISTEN and MOVE WITH, the Holy Spirit. It is time for us to practice the gifts of the Holy Spirit in a safe environment. It is for anyone who wants to get better at understanding how the gifts of the Holy Spirit work. Whether what we try is a success or fall short we cheer for one another for getting out of the boat and trying.
The first Wednesday of the month at 6:30pm.
Intercessory Prayer
If you are looking to get better at your prayer life or just enjoy praying the Wednesday intercessory prayer group is for you. Linda Kachedourian who leads the group every week is credited with birthing Redeeming Love church through prayer. Her heart is for churches from across the Capital Region to gather together to come before the throne of grace to seek God for the needs of the day.
Every Wednesday at 10am.
Want more information or to sign up for any of the above, please Contact Us.